2018: September

One of the best things about summer is the overflow of produce in other people’s gardens that ends up in our hands: tomatoes, pears, zucchini, plums… such abundance and deliciousness!

We aren’t doing any formal school with S but I have wanted to add more structure to our day and get her used to me choosing some more of the books.

A friend took us to the zoo. The girls loved the monkeys and seals but they also liked the slugs.

Celebrating our favorite 2 year old with chocolate peanut butter cupcakes with peanut butter frosting and chocolate peanut butter ice cream. E was thrilled.

We (mostly Ezra) cleared a spot for next year’s garden.

Using up some of the free tomatoes. Thank you, Pioneer Woman for this deliciousness.

A scene from Fancy Nancy that sums up our girls pretty well.

Pattypan squash and zucchini… and dahlias were 5/$1 at the roadside stand that frequently has free zucchini.

This book is stunning.

The purple circle with lines is apparently Humpty Dumpty.

A good book… and an ER visit. Thankfully all was well.

Attempt at a pain d’epi wreath… the dough wasn’t great though. It was tomato basil and used tomato paste. Next time I would use tomato juice.

memorization// Here is Love // Ephesians 3:14-21

favorite recipes// oatmeal sourdough muffins (I cut back on the honey and they were still very sweet for me!) // walnut and rye sourdough loaf (I added 5g anise seed and some dried figs) // pickles // vegan peanut butter fudge // pear butter // spiced pear baked oatmeal // Persian plum soup // no knead sourdough bread // clam chowder (the best if you add some dill!) //

best of online//  let’s get real about women’s discipleship // do Christians have to care about everything? // statement on social justice // Chinese treatment of Uighur people // Tubby the Tuba with DANNY KAYE // crown crochet pattern // sing Solfa (for children) // surviving seminary as a family // Michael Card has a podcast!!! // three questions to ask before you take (my) advice // Rossini Duet for Two Cats // is social justice a gospel issue? // Jasmine stitch // sakura on classical guitar //

reading of late// In the Company of Women (Hunter) // Shepherding a Woman’s Heart (Hislop) // One to One Bible Reading (Helm) // The Gospel and PErsonal Evangelism (Dever) // God is the Gospel (Gilbert) // Kitty, My Rib // The Breadwinner series (Ellis) // skimmed: Questions Muslims Ask (Scott) and The Gospel for Muslims (Anyabwile) // in the middle of: How to Write a Sentence (Fish) and The Cost of Discipleship (Bonhoeffer)
The first half of the semester is always lots of reading!

thinking about// someone posted something on Facebook about September feeling like three days. It felt like three months to me. This move has been a big change in a lot of ways, all of it good change, but it’s still taken adjusting and learning. Relationships take time but I need them desperately, and their slowness does not mean I am failing. Jesus, not an exciting day, needs to be what gets me out of bed in the morning. His love is bigger than any despair and depression. // 1 Thessalonians: living a sober quiet life resting on His unconditional love, turning from idols to the true and living God, because of His love (not “shoulds”) // diffusing strife with a gentle answer // rejoice always: Christ has saved you. Pray without ceasing: the Spirit indwells you. Give thanks in all circumstances: the Father’s love is lavish //

what brings joy// birthdays // reconnecting with old friends // His abundant provision // engaging novels // quiet days // finding rhythm //

The Munchkins// E turned 2! She is mischievous and snuggly, and keeps us on our toes!
Favorite foods: peanut butter, pasta, chocolate, tomatoes, snap peas, cucumber, ca-yke (cake). Generally not a fan of most fruit or sweets.
Favorite things: balls, cars, stuffed animals, cats and dogs, babies, Papa, Uncles, and Grandpa
Favorite books: Zin Zin Zin A Violin, God’s Very Good Idea
Favorite activities: eating (she melts in a puddle if we tell her no or eat in front of her when she doesn’t have food), climbing, playground, dancing, singing.

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