Things We Will (and Won’t) miss about Japan

We only have about a month left in Japan. While we’re excited to be closer to family again we have mixed feelings about leaving.

We won’t miss…

Japanese sized portions… we often need to eat more when we get home or order an extra entree!
Not being able to park without help – there are often men directing traffic in or leaving parking lots.
Tiny water cups at meals, often without refills
Using Google Translate at the grocery store
Feeling like S is always so loud and so outgoing
Wondering if we’re breaking an unwritten rule
Hot, humid summers with cold, dry winters
there not being soap in public restrooms
houses without heat!

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kicking S while getting groceries.

We will miss…

Child seats in bathroom stalls.
Walking down the street being an adventure
Having so many things to explore only a short train ride away
So much yummy food!
Kids’ silverware and bowls even when we didn’t order a kids’ meal
How polite everyone is and how much of a novelty S is with her blonde hair and blue eyes
How safe it is
heated toilets, tables, and carpets

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Puppies in the store

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Playing at Toys R Us after shopping for groceries.

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